Fuck You Start-Up World
Viral video by Space Cat, reaching over 100K organic views on Facebook and YouTube - a humoristic take on startup life featuring top tech entrepreneurs and VCs: Gigi Levy Wiess, Yossi Vardi, Tomer Bar Zeev (IronSource), Or Offer (SimilarWeb), Ron Gura (Empathy), Nir Zohar (WIX), and many more.
A Space cat Storytelling creative house production
Thanks to all the amazing tech leaders, entrepreneurs and investors who make it what it is :)
Written By: Shem Magnezi
Directors: Liat Yoffe & Erez Markovich
Cinematographer: Yoav Gertner
Co-Producer: Mika Josting
Production assistants: Ben Levy, Shlomi Banai, Gal Baki
Additional cinematography: Adi Huberman, Amnon Haas, Yaniv Mizrahi
Graphics and animation: Yael Zilberfeld
Thanks to:
Oz Alon, Eden Amirav, Iri Amirav, Lior Danieli, Rona Davis, Dan Furas, Lauren Gumport, Amir Hayek, Sam Katzen, Yuval Leshem, Avigail Levine, Adi Lipaz, Shiri Perciger, Sharon Shein, Shelly Stein, Dror Shimoni, Noa Wolfson, Jonathan wolf, Maya Wolkoon, Melissa Zeloof
Special thanks to our stars: (in alphabetical order)
Oz Alon, Co-Founder and CEO, HoneyBook
Eden Amirav, Co-founder and CEO, Algoseller
Tomer Bar-Zeev, Co-founder and CEO, Ironsource
Rami Bracha, co-founder, Sosa, Managing Partner, Pitango VC
Maya Gura, Co-founder and CEO, missbeez
Ron Gura, SVP Digital Product, WeWork
Micha Kaufman, Founder and CEO, Fiverr
Gigi Levy Weiss, Founding Partner at NFX
Or offer, Co- Founder and CEO, SimilarWeb
Shaul Olmert, Co- Founder and CEO, PlayBuzz
Jonathan Saacks, Co- Founder, Sosa, Managing Partner, F2 Capital
Dror Shimoni, Co-Founder and CTO, HoneyBook
Eden Shochat, Equal Partner, Aleph VC
Iris Shoor, founder & CEO, Oribi
Yosi Taguri, Co-founder and CEO, Missing Link AI
Maya Wolkoon, GM, HoneyBook Tel Aviv
Ido Yablonka, GM, Tel-Aviv, Yahoo
Guy Zipori, Co-founder and CEO, StreamRail
Nir Zohar, President & COO, Wix
& Mr. Yossi Vardi
All rights reserved ©space cat
Viral Video